
"人在大自然面前是何等的渺小 与其说征服一座山 不如说是征服自己;

征服自己那些狂妄自大的想法 抑或说征服自己面对艰难困境时懦弱的表现。

这都需凝聚所有的勇气与毅力 将自己推向极限。

因此需要不断地向自己的内心寻找力量 使自己更能笑对人生。

登山所追求的 是不断征服自己超越自己的过程 而不是那一座座的高山!

山是一座伟大的收容所 它收容人们不羁的心。。。

尝试与山交流 与山对话 体验登山过程中 那种融入自然的快乐,












杂谈 - 部落格“失踪的照片”(Blogger Pictures Appearing as "no-entry symbol")

About a week ago my blog, some of my post pictures showing "No entry sign". I tried to figure out this problem by further searching solution from Google, seem like there is solution or advice close to my situation, such as redistricted picture (non of my picture are 18sx or violence), or the linked issue (it's seem like this is the nearest scenario for me).

I suspect this is due to to I deleted one of my Google photo album few days back, but it's impossible as when I deleting the album it self is without any single picture inside. I further check how many of my posts are affected with this  "no-entry symbol", there is only post started from July 2017 till end of December 2018.

Luckily all of my post picture still in "Archive Google Album", which mean i still can easily retrieve it from Google photo, by add select the picture back to my posts which have pictures appearing as "no-entry symbol". 

Below is my solution, you need to spend couple of hours  as it was a very manual way to do it;
1. Go to the post that have pictures appearing as "no-entry symbol" and edit the post
2. Select the "insert image" symbol
3. Select the picture and add (luckily the sequence of pictures is same as my post)
4. Adjust the alignment then save your post
5. Done and back to normal.

After this incident, it trigger me to need to think of a way to keep all my post in the original design (background, picture, the words and content), 10 years record it's long and memorable like a dairy to be keep. As we don't know if one day Blogger is going to end of life.

 "no-entry symbol"
In one of the post, not all the picture are showing  "no-entry symbol", some picture is still working.

 "no-entry symbol"
 "no-entry symbol"

 "no-entry symbol" the address linkage are something like this " lh3.googleusercontent.com "

good condition picture  the address linkage are something like this " 1.bp.blogspot.com "

1. Go to the post that have pictures appearing as "no-entry symbol" and edit the post

2. Select the "insert image" symbol

3. Select the picture and add (luckily the sequence of pictures is same as my post).
4. Adjust the alignment then save your post

5. Done and back to normal

after edited good condition picture, the address linkage are something like this " 1.bp.blogspot.com "

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