
"人在大自然面前是何等的渺小 与其说征服一座山 不如说是征服自己;

征服自己那些狂妄自大的想法 抑或说征服自己面对艰难困境时懦弱的表现。

这都需凝聚所有的勇气与毅力 将自己推向极限。

因此需要不断地向自己的内心寻找力量 使自己更能笑对人生。

登山所追求的 是不断征服自己超越自己的过程 而不是那一座座的高山!

山是一座伟大的收容所 它收容人们不羁的心。。。

尝试与山交流 与山对话 体验登山过程中 那种融入自然的快乐,












跑步 - 槟城 - 槟城生态超级马拉松,80/100公里(Tailwind Penang Eco 100,2018, Self DNF at 80km)

20小时的路跑超马已经尝试过了,既然家乡有个100公里越野超马,COT 30个小时,又不用大老远开车跑去参赛,不参加的话就很浪费了。

English Version:
DNF My third 100km ultra (First 100km trail ultra), just manage to complete 80km aka as CP9. Reached CP9 at 13/5/18, 12:34pm (cut off is 12:45pm), the nx CP10 is 3km but with 300+ meter elevation gain.

Feel satisfied with well prevention for blister from past TITI experience. But spend a lot extra time for sleep, eat, take a nap and lazy then sit down, think this already wasted more than 3 hours++
Summary as below:
Flag of as 12/5/18 2pm all the way till end feel very fantastic weather, with no hot sun, only drizzling rain till i DNF.

CP1 to CP4(42.8km), consider flat in oil palm plantation and road run, like CP4 at Suling hill with a cup of hot coffee.

CP4 to CP5(big station) , unexpected jungle tracking route last few km to Sg Lembu, which i only wear road run shoes easily slippery.

CP4 to CP5 (7.1km): check in CP5 at 12/5/18, 10:17, which is late 17min as my estimated time of 8 hours from 2pm. Was straggle in there due to my car is just 100 meter away, whether want to go back slp or continue, as spend 1 hour ++ rest took dinner, chat with CYO,LKS,KLC,wait JKhoo check in CP5 and have a cup of coffee(out around 11:30pm++ 12/5/18)

CP5 to CP6 (9.8km): pick up some at Meng Kuang dam area which i manage to run, refill water at temple before to the platform at meng kuang, take a nap and rest 15min at platform. Slowly down hill to CP 6 as ppl in front of me going down carefully
CP6 to CP7(10.1km), Reached CP6 around 2am (cut off 4am) ), rest about 10-15min take out my shoes to clear all the sands~~reach Tokun 康乐亭 (2:59am) before 3, rest, sleep, charge GPS watch and ply phone for about 45min say HI to LKS, depart before CP6 cut off time....and walked feel step from 康乐亭 downhill part feel my head lamp not enough power, changing another new one and i meet Wendy. Somewhere around last uphill a lot of S uphill you can see others headlamp all around the hill......JKhoo passed me, i took another 15-20min rest at 大伯公(5:13am)

CP7 to CP8(8.6km): Reached CP7 around 7:05am (cut off 8am 13/5/18) quickly walk to market take breakfast and coffee, meet Kenny Sin and breakfast together. Continue the race after 30min depart around 738am 13/5/18, took my shoes out and clear all the sands again (many many times i did this....)... flat paddy filed with cloudy weather and fantastic, say HI to JKhoo again....

CP8 to CP9 (5.5km), reached CP8 9:05am 13/5/18 (cut off 10:15am), very steam & blur & sleepy route, up hill time sit down alot of time and enjoy the 凉风~~down hill time every step go carefully feel like going to fall down every time....

At the end i reach CP9 12:38pm 13/5/18(Cut off 12:45pm), no point to continue as buffer times not much, volunteer need to go home and sleep as well.....

Tailwind Penang Eco 100
Penang Eco的报名费大约RM 300,也是我第三场的100公里超级马拉松(第一场的越野100公里),星期六中午两点开始的100公里,我跑了22小时34分钟,13/5/18中午12时34分到达了CP 9,我选择了放弃,原因是CP 9 COT (cut off time)是13/5/18中午12时45分,下一站CP 10是要上山大约300米龙门,COT是13/5/18中午2时15分,我大约只有一个小时半的时间可以用,时间太赶了,所以我选择放弃回家好好休息比较好。

Penang Eco 100
这次脚底算是做足防范措施,预防水泡以免好像Titi Ultra(请看记录:蒂蒂超级马拉松(Titi Ultra 2018 - 100km))一样中了个大水泡。只是这场赛事我花了大约三个小时休息、吃饭、睡觉,而白白浪费了一些时间。

966 runners from 25 countries joined ECO Penang 2018
966 runners from 25 countries joined ECO Penang 2018各站简报如下:
赛事在12/5/18 2pm开跑,一路上都是良好的天气,没有强烈的日晒,只有一些小雨。

All the 100km CP details for Penang ECO 2018
各站资讯,All the 100km CP details for Penang ECO 2018
CP 1 to CP 4(42.8km),一路顺风的平坦棕油园和一些泊油路,晚上来到了舒宁顶(Suling Hill ),这个站有提供咖啡,我知道咖啡对我很有效,就给力的喝了几杯。

CP4 to CP5(big station,7.1km),也是跑在一些棕油园和上了一座小山,我只穿跑步鞋在这里我滑了很多次。大约在12/5/18, 晚上10时17分,我抵达了50公里的休息站,这里可以补给、洗澡、吃饭喝咖啡。我在这里挣扎了一个小时十五分钟,想着回家睡觉,遇到了一些朋友聊聊天,等我的一位朋友check in,我大约晚上11时30分才离开CP 5。

CP5 to CP6(9.8km),进到了孟光水坝的区域,因为有些泊油路可以跑,我追上了一些时间,然后又在开始每命的上山,还好之前来过,知道哪里有大伯公庙可以喝水,过后慢慢下山到卓坤山森林公园(Tokun),下山的时候有些慢,因为前面的人很慢又不让路,我又不想超越他,因为我知道超越他了,过后我又在睡觉的时候一定被他超越,没有意思啊~~~

CP6 to CP7(10.1km),大约凌晨2am抵达了CP6,喝水吃些东西又继续上Tokun康乐亭,大约2时59分抵达,在哪里为手表充电,然后睡觉45分钟,下山的时候头灯的电力不够,半途换电池后才看清楚路线,然后凌晨5点13分又在这间大伯公秒休息了十五分钟。

云吞面再来一杯Kopi Peng
CP7 to CP8(8.6km)大约早上7时05分(COT 8am)抵达了武拉必菜市场(Berapit),check in了看一看食物,不是很有胃口,然后快步走去小贩中心吃早餐叫了云吞面再来一杯Kopi Peng(冻咖啡),大约花了半小时吃早餐,13/5/18 7时38分离开小贩中心,离开前跑去洗手间洗脸,然后脱鞋将沙石弄了出来,才继续稻田的路程。。

CP8 to CP9(5.5km),抵达CP 8大约9:05am 13/5/18 (cut off 10:15am),自己已经很累了,上山的时候又很多时间坐下来吹凉风~~~爽啊!!!懒惰爬了。。。下山的时候脚都没什么力量了,非常小心的下山以免自己脚软跌倒。。。

最后我在中午12时38分,13/5/18抵达了CP 9(COT 12:45pm),要接下去CP 10也会很赶了,而且CP 9又有那么多美食,还是吃饱了再说~~

LPT check point
最后我以22小时34分再CP 9 DNF(没完赛),不过拿了个经验,回家前车在停车场里睡了有一个小时,才开车回家,回到家将脚拿起来看,没有很大的水泡,只有几个小水泡,看来那个防护措施不错,第二天也没TITI Ultra那么累了~~

My Running Event Record
2012年,槟城,大桥国际马拉松(Penang Bridge International Marathon 2012)
2013年,吉隆坡,渣打马拉松(Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2013)
2013年,槟城,大桥国际马拉松(Penang Bridge International Marathon 2013)
2017年,玻璃市,国际马拉松(Perlis International Marathon 2017)
2017年,吉隆坡,渣打马拉松(Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2017)
2017年,砂拉越,古晋,猫城马拉松(Cat City Marathon 2017)
2017年,槟城,大桥国际马拉松(Penang Bridge International Marathon 2017)
2018年,赛博再也,双城马拉松(Twincity Marathon 2018)
2018年,吉隆坡,渣打马拉松(Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2018)

2013年,香港,渣打马拉松(Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2013)
2015年,日本,东京马拉松(World Major Marathon, Tokyo Marathon 2015)
2016年,台湾,恋恋二水跑水马拉松(Water Marathon 2016)
2018年,台湾,第二届新北市乌来峡谷马拉松(New Taipei City Wulai Gorge Marathon 2018)

2017年,槟城,一百公里的遗憾之槟城超级马拉松(DNF at Penang Ultra 80 of 100km 2017)
2017年,彭亨,53km好寡妇越野超级马拉松(Janda Baik Ultra Trail 53km 2017)
2018年,森美兰,蒂蒂超级马拉松(Titi Ultra 2018 - 100km)
2018年,槟城,槟城生态超级马拉松,80/100公里(Tailwind Penang Eco 100,2018, Self DNF at 80km)

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